Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Day It Ended

First of all, the temperature in Chicago is currently -7. That's 39 degrees below freezing. I love weather.

More importantly is the news that . . . . Well, it's difficult to bring myself to say, but frankly, I only want to say this once, so please share the news amongst you. Heather and I broke up.

I've been working 50 to 60 hours a week at my office (not to mention bartending on the weekend), trying to turn this temporary position into something more, something amazing that will allow me to finally pursue my acting career without fear of finances. I want to do something important with my life, and it's leaving no time for a relationship. Trying to balance the two just became too much.

I know that may not seem like enough of a reason, but a) that's where it started and b) the rest is none of your damn business. It's between her and me. When I have problems in a relationship, I don't go announcing them to the world. To do so is simply disrespectful to her, and I won't do that. Some things are too sacred to be shared, and the factors that led to the break-up are not available for general public consumption. Besides, I had to go through it all once already; I do NOT want to do it again.

I will say that, cliché as it sounds, she and I will still be friends—that's something critically important to us both. I want her as an important part of my life, and so far, she and I have been able to achieve that (I say "so far" as if it's been more than two days). The pain and reconciliation are going to ebb and flow over this next chapter in our lives—but in the end, she's still one of my very favorite people, and that's not going to stop.

We had 341 days together that added up to the experience of us. Not all of them were perfect, but many of them truly were. They were among the most dynamic and amazing days of my life, and the only day I wouldn't relive is the day it ended.

And to answer those of you who would ask this question, Yes, I'm okay. We're both adults and we don't hate one another, so as painful as this is for us, we're getting through it. Sometimes together and sometimes separately, yet we know we'll be okay with ourselves as we'll be okay with each other.

Next we discuss logistics.

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