Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Everything’s Catching On Fire

Someone give me some good news, please.
My own situation was made worse this morning by the fact that I overdrew my account. As a beer vendor I pay up front for cases to sell to the crowd; a case is $192, plus I need extra for making change. I made a withdrawal for this on Sunday, but I didn't put the money back into my account yesterday, so I didn't have it when my credit card payments and check to the IRS went through.
But now that the IRS has my first "good faith" payment and the first whomp from my last check, I called them again tonight to see if I can get put on that payment plan we'd previously discussed. I sat on hold for ten minutes before a person came on the line to tell me their computers are down and I should call back tomorrow.
But that's not all.
One friend of mine lost a family member yesterday.
Another friend got fired today. Not laid off—fired. They wanted to get rid of him but didn't have a real reason, so they made one up ("We're going in a new direction.").
My father is still in a jam over something that happened this summer.
Someone I know back home got promised a big break, but now a naysayer is trying to cut him off at the knees.
And finally, I know someone whose car was stolen a week before she had to move across the country, the movers showed up with her stuff two weeks late and charged her an extra $350, and she's too busy in school twelve hours a day to put up a fight during business hours.
I don't know anyone right now who has good news to report, and it's stressing me out. Dealing with my own problems is enough for just me to handle, but c'mon. Does anyone out there have any good news? And by news, I mean something that's happened recently. Most people can be happy that nothing bad has happened lately, and everyone is usually okay when we realize how many things in life we still have (health, family, a roof, a bed, etc.) What I need to hear is something new in your life that's good.
Did someone get a new job? Has anyone started a new relationship? Anybody buy a new car? Find $20 on the street? Somebody, please give me something. I need to know that I know somebody who's better off this week than they were last week.
Before I go insane.

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